Friday, July 19, 2019

When the going gets tough, create a diversion!

If there’s one thing I’ve come to understand about President Trump, it’s his penchant and skill for creating diversions when things get hot about his personal involvement in sticky situations.

Trump in his usual egotistical style has masterfully used his manipulative ways to stage-manage an outlandish drama surrounding four women House Democrats nicknamed “The Squad.”

Some have surmised that he created this drama to energize his base for the upcoming 2020 election.  While others have postulated that Trump is simply trying to make “The Squad” the sole face of the Democratic Party.  A vote for a Democrat would be a vote for “The Squad” and all it represents.

However, in reality I suspect Donald Trump doesn’t care squat about these four Democratic women representatives, but instead is simply employing his usual ‘modus operandi’ to create a distraction to hide his involvement with Jeffery Epstein, world-wide financier, sex offender, and alleged sex trafficker of teenage girls.

One fact that is crystal clear is that Trump wants to distance himself from this predator.  He has denied ever having any recent contact with Epstein, and that any contact in the past was just minimal.  However, numerous pictures of the two engaged in direct social interactions over the years are evidence that both denials are outright lies.  There are even alleged instances reported by the media of Trump and Epstein being the only two males at parties attended by a plethora of young women; some extremely youthful.

 Just what is it President Trump doesn’t want us to find out?  Others in the media have also posed similar suspicion.

Perhaps Trump is up to his eyeballs in this Epstein mess.
Guess we will never know about the extent of his involvement because, to Trump’s credit, the Democrats along with the media took the bait.   The Epstein debacle has fallen off the media radar replaced by “The Squad” drama.

The puppeteer of the media rules once again.  President Trump really should be nominated for an Academy Award for the category of “Best Diversion Drama.”  He would clearly win hands down.

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