Saturday, February 1, 2025

Elimination by Executive Order


With the stroke of a pen President Donald Trump has apparently attempted to wipe out the existence of an entire subculture in U.S. society, LGBTQ + folks.  His latest executive orders have banned any such reference or discussion of these individuals in all federal documents and online government websites. Last Friday, if one tried to view certain online government general information sites, they were greeted with the message “temporarily unavailable” across their respective screens.

These orders are consistent with Trump's election campaign, in which he pledged to "protect children” from, and I quote, “the left wing gender insanity.” 

He has further declared that there are only two sexes, males and females. Anything else no longer exists.

President Trump has also targeted the doctor/patient relationship regarding the health care for transgender youth by an executive order that any clinician who provides what he terms ‘trans heath care’ to these youth will be struck from the Medicare and Medicaid benefits system.

Trump also proposes enacting an executive order that would cut federal funding for any school which he deems as “pushing” any content for children which references gay or transgender individuals.

As is usually the case with our esteemed leader, these executive orders are legally vague and contain subjective terminology, which most likely will result in drawn out legal battles.

However, while all this wiping out of a subculture may be applauded and seem long overdue to many of his supporters, the facts of the matter are, according to the latest Gallup Poll, there are approximately 8 percent of these ‘banned’ folks in the U.S. population. They function in all walks of life in our society, from health care workers to auto mechanics, and the population continues to thrive and grow successfully.

So those of you, who want to facilitate the adoption of wearing horse blinders and pretend that by executive orders these folks have suddenly been exterminated from our society, need to get a grip because they ain’t going nowheres, in spite of your denial.  They deserve to be respected and loved.

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