Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ten Commandments

With all this push by Governor Landry, State Attorney General, Liz Murrill, and our state legislators on the importance of displaying the Ten Commandments in every public classroom; it is apparent by this action that these folks feel that Louisiana parents/guardians are not doing their job teaching religious values to their children.  Who gave them the right to make such a judgement?  And, why stop with just the display? 

Perhaps, these esteemed leaders should also require that each child be mandated to bring a note to school from a religious institution of their parents’ choosing attesting to the fact that they have been in attendance that week. After all then all these folks could be assured that the kids are receiving the ‘proper’ religious guidance to truly live by the message of the Ten Commandments.

Personally, I find this entire fiasco not only highly insulting, but also contrary to one of the Republican Party’s main mantras, “government mandated over-site infringing on an individual’s rights.”

How one desires to instill the moral and ethical values in their children to act responsibly in our society is none of Landry’s, Murrill’s, or our legislators’ business, and they all need to stop trying to hide the fact that they are quite blatantly mandating it.

Do you really think these same folks would accept a mandate that all governing officials swear allegiance to abide by the Ten Commandments and failure to do so could result in their removal from office?

Guess we wouldn’t have too many governing officials left; starting with the President of the U.S. on down. 

And God only knows who would be left in our beloved state!

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