Friday, April 11, 2014

Don’t Be Fooled by the Rulers of Our State

Several weeks ago I attended a special event in Hammond known as The Legislative Hobnob sponsored by the chamber of commerce chapters in our area.  Several of our legislators were invited and a few showed up to present the legislative packages they were proposing for the upcoming session.

All stressed the fact of how important it was to hear their constituents’ concerns regarding issues in our state. I found that part of their presentation somewhat amusing.  Have you ever emailed your representative and gotten a reply?  If so, please let me know which ones did answer.  I have emailed many representatives in our surrounding area and have NEVER received a reply.  Not even an automated acknowledgement that they received my emails.

Now granted, an automated reply doesn’t guarantee that they will read your email, but at least it isn’t so blatantly obvious that they just don’t care, and besides, it’s just plain bad manners not to respond in some fashion.

Perhaps our elected government servants set up email accounts because it’s the politically correct thing to do, give people the impression that they are concerned about the ‘average guys/gals’ concerns.

Oh, and by the way, it is not just our legislators.   BESE members and the governor’s office also never respond.  Nothing , it’s like your email has been delivered to some ‘black hole’ in space.

In fact, the only state official ever to respond was John White, State Superintendent of Education.  Don’t know how he does it, but he almost immediately responds on his iPhone, and it is not automated.

So the rulers of our state need to stop fooling us, and save the tax payers some money (yes, your taxes pay for their email service) by cancelling their email accounts.  For if you’re not  a member of a PAC, a powerful lobby group, or big campaign contributor, most likely our elected and appointed PUBLIC servants will not even extend to you the common courtesy of acknowledging your time for writing to them.

Maybe we should just keep a list of who doesn’t respond and publish it in the news media during election time.

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