Friday, April 11, 2014

Jindal Sets Up His Own Exclusive Club

Two weeks ago the Associate Press ran a story about Republican standouts being considered as possible candidates for president.  Guess whose name was not even mentioned?  Bobby Jindal.

Last week, a poll was taken among prominent Republicans asking them to choose individuals whom they felt would make a good presidential candidate.  Bobby could muster only 2% in his camp.

I guess since Bobby figured no one outside Louisiana really considers him a plausible candidate, he’d set up his own club, known as a Political Action Committee (PAC).  The name of his club is Stand Up to Washington and, although Bobby claims its purpose is to help fund conservative candidates in their run for Congress, the real purpose is for self- promotion.  The PAC will give Bobby the opportunity to mingle with well-moneyed people,  make powerful new friends, and perhaps convince them that he’s not the vindictive, elitist,  self-centered , spoiled child, ‘shoot from the hip’, kind of guy that he appears to be.

However, I suspect that deep down inside, Jindal realizes that he doesn’t even have a remote chance of landing the Republican presidential nomination.  But I bet what Bobby is really shooting for is the vice president nomination.  His ego would never let him admit that publicly, so let’s stay tuned and  see what happens.

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