Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A political blunder?

Throughout the eight years of Bobby Jindal’s reign of terror, our esteemed legislators seemed to be missing a part of their anatomy, a spine.  They approved almost without exception any action Jindal desired, but near the end of Bobby’s tenure blamed the present budgetary mess totally on him.  It was as though our Republican legislators assumed they had no responsibility for contributing to the disaster that now exists in our fine state.

Apparently they were very successful in this approach because they persuaded most of Louisiana’s voters to elect them yet again.

However, it appears that our Louisiana legislators may not be the astute politicians that they think they are, for they may have recently committed a blunder that will change the playing field dramatically.  By refusing to grant the new governor’s request for a Democratic Speaker of the House, insisting instead that a Republican controlled House should have a Republican at its helm, they can no longer hide behind the skirts of the Democratic governor. 

In Louisiana all revenue generating bills originate in the House, and the Speaker controls which ones will be voted upon.  Once sanctioned in the House, these bills move to the Senate for approval, or modification.  The Senate just recently selected the 11 term Republican John Alario to handle that action.

Now we could assume that both Speaker selections are positive signs that the legislature has finally decided to take over the controls and right the ship.  However, since the crew is mostly the same as before and I haven’t seen any media stories indicating that they have received “spine implants,” I’m assuming the legislative leader selections were a political blunder on the part of our Republican legislators.

Their actions, contrary to their wishes, now forces Jindal’s minions to be held totally responsible for almost all that happens in Baton Rouge these next four years, including any further cuts to health care and education, or tax increases.  Did they really intend that to happen?  

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