Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Business as Usual-Let’s Hope Not

If there is any doubt about whether or not Louisiana is capable in moving in a new direction regarding the fiscal management of this state, the legislative blind siding of the new governor before he was even sworn in removed all doubt.

Instead of giving Edwards the point man he chose to lead the House, legislators decided to cave into the business lobbyists and outside affiliates most responsible for the present budgetary mess and elect a Republican, Taylor Barras, from New Iberia.  Their excuse was that a Republican majority in the House should have a Republican speaker.  However, this was not the same logic espoused when Bobby Jindal took office.  The Democrats were in the majority in the House, but Bobby wanted a Republican speaker.  He was granted that courtesy by the Democrats. 

The Democrats were subsequently voted out, and lost their majority in the House, followed by the implementation of Republican fiscal policies for 8 years,  ultimately resulting  in possibly the worst state financial crisis in its history.

Edwards has pledge to straighten out the fiscal mess in our state and develop realistic, stable funding sources for the budget.  To accomplish this he will need bipartisan cooperation in the legislature.  A legislature that, thanks to voter apathy, contains most of the same individuals responsible for the creation of the state’s present budget crisis.

In the House legislators thwarted Governor Edward’s request, and the Senate has once again selected Senator John Alario as its Speaker, a 44 year member of the legislature who supported Jindal’s policies and stifled any attempts to reduce some of the tax giveaways offered by our state.

Speakers of the legislative branches are crucial positions for implementing changes in governing, for these individuals appoint the various committee chairpersons and decide which legislative bills will be put to a vote.

As we start the new year, the selection of these Speakers gives me trepidation that “business as usual” will once again be the motto for Louisiana.

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