Friday, January 1, 2016

Jindal’s first stop on his magical mystery tour

Jindal’s first stop on his magical mystery tour

Governor Bobby Jindal signed legislation in 2012 allowing the state to pay tuition for certain public school students who transfer to religious and independent schools. The law enacting the Louisiana School Voucher Program passed with considerable bipartisan support. The program is available to students statewide in grades K through 12 who are enrolled in a public school that received a state letter grade of C, D, or F under the state’s school accountability program.  Eligible students also need to reside in a family with an annual income which does not exceed 250% of the federal poverty level.  At the time of passage that level was equivalent to $57,625 for a family of four. 

Tuesday, as part of Jindal’s whirlwind tour of our state to enlighten its residents about the fine job he has done during his eight year reign, he visited with parents in New Orleans who have taken advantage of the voucher program.  While they repeatedly praised the merits of this taxpayers’ funded program, the school Jindal chose to visit in New Orleans was a perfect example of why the program needs to be reigned-in.

According to media reports, the school’s K through 4 enrollment is 80 students with 63 of them on taxpayers’ money through vouchers.  Would this school even exist if not for the voucher funded students?  Our esteemed legislators claim it was never the intent of the voucher program to almost totally fund a private school’s operating budget with taxpayers’ money.   Obviously, that claim is yet another falsehood perpetuated by this group, for many other examples exist indicating Louisiana is now in the business of funding private schools at the expense of public schools.

One has to wonder if the strain of Jindal’s recent bid for president has taken a toll on his mental faculties.  Why would he showcase a school which is a perfect example of why the voucher system should be restricted or completely curtailed?  Does Jindal operate from such an ego maniac persona that he doesn’t even realize that in his attempt to showcase one of his signature programs, he provided great fodder for those wishing to eliminate the voucher program altogether?   Way to go Bobby!  I can’t wait to see the rest of your tour.

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