Saturday, June 11, 2016

Doublespeak is alive and well in Baton Rouge

Let the games begin!  Governor Edwards’ special session is off and running and it appears once again that the House Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths.  Every Edward proposal to close the $600 million budget gap by reducing some of the corporate tax breaks was soundly defeated in the House Ways and Means Committee.  Apparently our esteemed House members just can’t part with those perks they receive from the LABI, oil, gas and chemical lobbyists.

The reason given for denying Edwards’ request was summarized by Ross Little Jr., a banker from Lafayette, who holds a senior position on the Republican National Committee.  He stated “Now is not the time to raise taxes.  Our businesses are hurting and our families are hurting.”

This is a perfect example of the doublespeak presently being utilized by most Republican House members, because while the House committee  refused to address corporate tax rebates, credits and breaks, they had no problem unanimously approving three bills that will take even more money out of the pockets of, to use Mr. Little’s term, our already “hurting families.”

The first proposed bill would double the tax rate surcharge on HMO’s.  On the surface this might appear to be a corporate tax burden but this increase will be passed on to the consumers through increased insurance premiums.  The second bill would limit the interest the state pays on refunds for tax over payments; another bill hitting residents’ pocketbooks.  The final bill dealt with reducing the refund on the state’s Citizens Property Insurance surcharge that is added to all home owners’ house insurance.  In the past this surcharge was refunded in total.  Subsequently it was reduced to a payment of 72% to account for state taxes owed on the amount.  The newly proposed bill will refund only 25% of the amount to the residents, a total violation of the original agreement when the surcharge was enacted.
While some might consider these bills to be of little consequence, it is the pattern and tone of the bills that we as citizens need to note.  Any revenue raising bills that affect corporations or businesses in this state are considered taboo by our House Republicans.  Yet, while they loudly voice the cause of protecting the residents from additional new taxes and oppose raising the income taxes for residents, they continue to reduce our incomes by passing bills nickel and diming the residents of this state. 

During the last special session residents ended up paying more for cigarettes, alcohol, phone service, cable TV, car rental, hotel rooms, stadium events, girl scout cookies, club memberships, YMCA gym membership, etc.  And let’s not forget the various increases in fees people now pay for various permits and licenses.  Additionally, the previous special session’s attempt to follow the LABI‘s proposal  to raise the sales tax by an additional penny above the already approved increase was yet another example of House members’ disregard for tax protection for the citizens of this state vs. their desire to protect lobbyist groups.

Thankfully, Governor Edwards and House Democrats put the kibosh on that.

So as we begin the second special session, please remember talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words.  And by all actions thus far be prepared to have yet more money removed from your pockets by your House representatives.  Despite their rhetoric it is their intent to protect the business lobbyist groups in this state and solve the crisis they helped create on the backs of our “hurting families.”

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