Thursday, June 16, 2016

Family Values, Not Guns Hold Answer

Friday, a 22 year old one-time star of The Voice, Christina Grimmie, was shot while signing autographs after performing for about 60 to 100 people.  This past week a Stanford college athlete was given a slap on the wrist by a male judge for savagely raping an unconscious young woman.  Two weeks ago, a record 21 crimes were committed over the weekend in neighboring New Orleans.  In the small, peaceful town of Natalbany three people were recently murdered.  

Daily our newspapers report more and more criminal activity in neighborhoods where residents have lived for years in a totally crime-free environment.   In the recent primaries held for selecting nominees for the highest, most respected office in this nation violence erupted.  Obviously more and more individuals have adopted the belief that there is no room for divergent thoughts, and human life is no longer of value.

It is apparent that individuals in our society have become so selfish in their desires for immediate gratification, and acceptance of their ways of thought, that anything that is perceived as getting in their way is simply dealt with through acts of violence.

Our citizens are certainly not lacking in their causal hypotheses and solutions for dealing with this acidic societal environment.   The blame games include the President, the liberals advocating what some perceive as an anti-religion agenda, the ACLU, government entitlement programs, the breakdown of sexual mores, the proliferation of social media, racism; the list is voluminous.  Additionally, the most vocal solution involves arming our society for protection.   We now allow university students and public school teachers to pack guns, and pass laws not requiring permits for hidden weapons.  Sadly this is not a solution but simply a reaction.

We as a society need to come to grips with reality and put the blame for this societal ailment where it rightfully belongs, on the breakdown of family values and parents’ use of the ’entitlement philosophy’ in raising many of the  children that now compose our younger adult population.

Sadly, today we have still not acknowledged our mistakes and continue to feed this violent society. 

How many families sit down as a unit each night for dinner uninterrupted by any type of media?  How many parents simply tell their children ‘no’ without the need to reason with them or use widely accepted diversion techniques?  Why do we feel the need to instill in our children that they are ‘entitled’ to everything?  For example, why do we give trophies to everyone on the losing sports team just so they won’t feel bad even though they don’t deserve a trophy?  We let young children decide what they will wear to be stylish or what they want to eat at meals.  If the young child wants his/her sandwich cut in triangles rather than squares, we throw out the square ones because he/she is entitled to get the triangle shapes wanted.   Today’s parents love electronic devices that allow them to interact less with their children to the degree that auto manufacturers now  have Wi Fi hot spots in cars so that our children can play mindless games or watch a movie on their media devices while traveling which allows parents to avoid all interaction with their children.  Additionally, parents allow their children to post unregulated material on Facebook and other social media groups because they feel their children are entitled to have their personal freedom and privacy.  Parents pay large sums of money for those prom dresses because mommy and daddy’s little girl is entitled to be the belle of the ball.
In parents’ quest for wanting the best for their children they continue to blur the line between that desire and instilling in their children a narcissistic–like self-esteem, making them think the world revolves around them coupled with a desire for immediate gratification.

And that’s where we function today, a society filled with many individuals who feel they are ‘entitled’ just because they exist.  But unfortunately these entitled folks also have guns.

Please, let’s stop blaming others and assume responsibility.  Our society can be healed over time because parents can choose to raise their kids as contributing members of society rather than takers

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