Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Once again our House representatives have failed us

Don’t let the rhetoric of the House Republicans in Baton Rouge dominating the headlines of the news media fool you.  While House members loudly advocate they are protecting the residents of this state from more taxes, their real agenda behind the scenes in the latest special session is to yet again protect the businesses represented by the LABI, petroleum, gas and chemical lobbyists from any changes in the corporate tax codes.
State lawmakers over the years at the request of the LABI and other lobbyists have been overly generous in increasing business tax subsidies under the banner of attracting new businesses to Louisiana. Over time a tax break here and a tax break there have accumulated and increased the burden on the state budget.  Examination of the tax breaks for six major programs alone indicated an increase from $207 million in 2004 to over $1.08 billion by 2014.

According to the Department of Revenue, through March of this year the state has paid out $152 million more to corporations than it had collected in corporate income and franchise taxes.  State officials have projected that corporate tax collections will reach $359 million through June 30. That would require a $511 million turnaround over the next  three months.  Obviously, this seems unlikely to occur.

While no one is claiming that large numbers of corporations are violating the law to avoid paying taxes, what has happened is these tax codes are significantly negatively impacting our state budget, and our legislators have refused to even cursory review the tax codes.  They are simply taboo.

However, I can’t fault Stephen Waguespack, president of the LABI for his behind the scenes high-jacking of this latest special session, for he is just doing his job. Obviously the threats of ‘toe the line’ or else risk a possible LABI supported anti-re-election campaign is just too much for our esteemed House legislators to stomach.  They haven’t the spine for it.
If you’re tempted to congratulate your representatives on the fine job they’ve done protecting you from new taxes, while reducing funding for state services, please understand that this budget mess could be solved with a fiscally responsible restructuring of the state corporate tax system coupled with a reduction in the sales tax.  That is, if our Baton Rouge folks could break free from their indentured servant mentality to their lobbyist masters.

I say we give kudos to the LABI, oil, chemical and gas lobbyists in strong-arming yet again the House of Representatives in the Baton Rouge special session about to conclude with no fiscal solution in sight.

However the sad truth is, those elected to protect the citizens of this state have chosen yet again the easier path, total capitulation.

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