Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bobby Jindal the Exorcist

Today, I learned from the Baton Rouge “Advocate" that Bobby Jindal, our esteemed governor, has a side job; that of an EXORCIST.  It seems that old 'Bobby' use to dabble in the occult when he attended the prestigious Ivy League school Brown University. You can view a parody of his participation at:

While the video is a spoof, the narrative in the background is 'Reverend' Bobby's actual written account of the proceedings he witnessed. His very presence there makes him a participant in this bizarre occurrence.

It's time for 'Bobby' to pack up his touring bags and head back home to Louisiana, for his chances of a V.P. nod have completely evaporated due his own demented behavior.

No one wants him except for the majority of the citizens in Louisiana.

Once again, we, in this great state are the laughing stock of the entire nation thanks to Bobby Jindal; remember his creationism in schools legislation, his infamous, televised, rambling State of the Union response in 2009 and his most recent comparison of Obamacare to Mardi Gras? 

For further entertainment Google "Bobby Jindal Exorcism"

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