Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jindal's Strategy Aligned with Country

Shame on the media for reinforcing the cunningness of Bobby Jindal in his attempt to portray himself as some kind of benevolent, moral individual vs. everyone else who doesn’t agree with his policies as evil, no good people.

No one will question our governor’s intelligence, but the media refuses to acknowledge the cunningness, intolerance, and dictatorial approach with which he ‘rules’ this state.

The present political arena in this country has done nothing except to succinctly divide all its population into two groups, bad guys and bad guys.

According to those whose views are aligned with the Right, any policy or belief proposed by those on the Left is un-American, socialistic, pro government regulation, fiscally irresponsible, and totally evil.

Conversely, those aligned with the Left portray those on the Right as out of touch, uncaring individuals only out to help big business and rich folks, obsessed with trickle down economics with little or no government interference or regulation.

In today's American there exists no desire, by either of these groups, to find a middle ground, or to work towards a beneficial compromise for the good of the country.

Bobby Jindal uses this same approach. 

 When he made cuts to the mental health care system in Louisiana, he portrayed the Louisiana State University Administrative Boards as the ‘bad’ guys incapable of properly handling their budgets. 

When his plan to reorganize how aid to the elderly would be provided was questioned, instead of having open dialogue about his proposal, he portrayed the department's senior administrative staff member who challenged it during the legislative committee meeting as some kind of malcontent ‘bad’ guy and fired her.

Additionally, more recently, he set up the teachers so that they would look like the ‘bad’ guys when he wanted to rush his educational plan through the legislature knowing very well it was during LEAP preparation in the schools. 

He figured, and rightfully so, that any teachers or school district who dared to protest his railroading of this plan through the legislature during its opening week could easily be made to look like 'bad' guys for what he termed "abandoning the children" in their time of need during LEAP preparation.

And there was the media giving full support to this deception.  The point being that King Bobby has never held any kind of honest open dialogue about his education plan. Some meetings were held about pieces of the plan with carefully selected educators who had already sold their souls, so to speak, to Governor Jindal, but honest dialogues among those that truly represented the educational community were never held.  And I’m not talking just about union leaders, but instead superintendents, teachers, and board members from successful districts.  

He used his cunningness to ‘bait’ the teachers, and since he pushed them into a corner they were forced to take the ‘bait.’  They never had an opportunity to express their opinions and felt like they were in a desperate situation because of the fast track that Jindal put in place.  Have we learned nothing from what happens when you fast track a major legislative package?  The Universal Health Care plan should serve as a great example.

Personally, I don’t care what your political persuasion is, Republican or Democrat, but I do know that history will support the fact that a DIVIDED COUNTRY WILL NOT SURVIVE and the media needs to stop supporting the divisive tactics used by both parties.

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