Friday, July 13, 2012

'Made in USA' label hard to find

The stupidity of our congressional leaders never ceases to amaze me. House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi are all upset about where the U.S. Olympic Team's uniforms are made. 

I’ve got news for them, they best check where the suits, shirts, ties, pants, blouses, skirts, belts,  socks, shoes, stockings and under ware were made that they wore on TV while making their criticisms.   They also better check where the American flags posted throughout the Olympic Village were made.

They need to come into the real world and stop their hypocrisy, for if they and their colleagues had done their job over the years, this issue would be non-existant. 

Today, in order to abide by their decree, our athletes would have to go naked.

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