Sunday, July 22, 2012

Violence in Colorado

I was originally going to address the Colorado movie theater killings but was hesitant because I didn't want to hear all the NRA rhetoric and those who interpret any kind of gun control (the key word here being 'control' rather than a ban) as a violation of their constitutional rights.   And let's not forget the infamous line "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."

Then I read what my son, Patrick, thought about the whole mess on Facebook and was so impressed with his response, that I thought it deserved to be shared with all.  It was in reponse to some of his friends giving the standard jargon about their right to own AR-15 guns.

§      I bet if you guys were watching batman in that theatre and he came in there spraying bullets at YOU and YOUR family you'd wish it wasn't from the barrel of an AR-15...Sure everyone has the right to bear arms to protect themselves from a home invader and what not, but I don't know many people that get robbed by 50 people at a time and have to mow em all down with an AR-15 to survive. Sure its "fun" to own one and 99% of people that do are responsible with it, but lets keep it real. The gun is made for killing multiple targets in a quick and effective manner. All political bullshit aside I'd rather the psycho's lose the option of using this type of weapon in exchange for all the "responsible owners" losing their fun factor. Let's face it, no one owns an AR-15 unless they are just trying to have fun with it/show off to their friends/are a gun collector/think the zombie apocalypse is coming/ or in this case, trying to carry out a mass murder.

             Way to go Pat, couldn't have said it better myself !

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