Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jindal administration withdraws request for Obamacare money

Once again the Jindal administration has shown that it is not concerned about providing medical services to the citizens of Louisiana.  In its latest move, it withdrew an application to request some Obamacare monies to fund a program that would have provided in-home health-care services for some adults.  The government was going to pay 68% of the cost and the state only needed to come up with 32%.

Now all of a sudden the Department of Health and Services in Baton Rouge says we can’t afford the 32% matching monies needed to fund the Community Choice Program.  They knew the cost, or should have known the cost, when initially applying for the funds so I suspect the real reason for the application withdrawal was the hypocritical nature of the request that could cause political PR problems for Jindal in the future.

After all, if you advocate for the abolishment of Obamacare and turn down the additional  Medicaid funding offered by the plan, how could you even remotely justify accepting  some other funding offered?

Bobby certainly doesn’t want to make such a political faux pas in his presidential quest.

The refusal of these funds had to be politically motivated because, in reality, the monies were available to fund this program and others.  After all, didn’t Jindal find monies in the state budget to expand his school voucher program in order to enhance his national political image on school reform? If he wanted the program, he would have instructed his political puppets in the Senate to find the funding!

Additionally, please remember that earlier this year a legislative committee discovered that over 4.4 billion dollars in tax incentives are given away to businesses and INDIVIDUALS by our great state.  Some recipients even include ‘social clubs’ in New Orleans.

So the monies exist,  but unfortunately Jindal and many of our state legislators don’t have the guts  to go after some of the ‘sacred cows’ receiving these tax breaks, for the only conclusion reached by the legislative committee after identifying all these breaks was that the issue needed further study.

Repeatedly, Jindal has shown when it comes to making a choice between what’s good for Louisiana citizens or what’s good for his personal political agenda, his agenda ALWAYS takes precedence.

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