Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Louisiana Senate Finance Committee Restores Most of Jindal’s Budget

Once again the Pinocchios in the Louisiana Senate have missed their chance to cut their puppet strings, become real people, and break free from their puppet master, Geppetto, known to many as Bobby Jindal.

We all should have known something was up when the Louisiana House reworked Jindal’s proposed state budget plan eliminating all ‘one time’ monies and ‘vapor monies’ that were based upon legal settlements and privatization deals that weren’t even finalized, and Jindal remained silent about it all.

In his heart the puppet master knew his Pinocchios in the Senate wouldn’t let him down and would restore his original smoke and mirrors budget.

And while some programs will rejoice because their budgets have been fully restored, and school vouchers will be fully funded, these joyful moments will be short lived because the reality of the situation is the money doesn’t presently exist to do most of these things
If this action by the Senate's Finance Committee becomes final it will lead to yet another midyear budget deficit, resulting in tremendous cuts made to education and health care services to fund the state for the remainder of the fiscal year.

And just wait until next year, when all the one-time, non-reoccurring funds are gone and ALL programs are cut to levels of a catastrophic nature.

Geppetto may be a lame duck governor, but he is still very much in control of his senators
There is, however, one last glimmer of hope.  Any Senate budget changes, in reality Jindal’s, must be agreed upon by the House.

However, with the deadline fast approaching for the end of the legislative session and the pattern of  the House’s previous years actions of just caving in to get things over and go home, I suspect our esteemed governor will get HIS budget pretty much the way he originally proposed it.

Just remember at election time, it will be your senators to blame.

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