Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yet Another Jindal Snake Oil Proposal

As in the old children’s fable, when will Emperor Bobby Jindal realize that he has no clothes on?
His latest proposal for no income tax has been reject by nearly every major organization in this state, some of which seldom agree with each other on many issues.  However, on this one, united they stand.  Jindal’s explanation for this is that they are ALL just ultra-left wing liberal groups out to impede real progress.
However, the very premise of his proposal that it will make Louisiana more attractive for businesses to settle here was just refuted by the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry which is involved in process of attracting new businesses by working diligently to improve Louisiana’s working climate.
But Jindal is cleaver and resourceful so don’t be surprised if he tries to use the recent decision by IBM to locate in Baton Rouge as evidence that just submission of his no income tax proposal was responsible for this company’s move.  The facts are this move had been in the works for nearly ten years and has little to do with any actions by the Jindal administration.
And let’s not forget that Jindal keeps changing the statistics to support his plan every time he gets caught fudging on the figures.   When the organization of ministers just found some, his resourceful staff just simply apologized for the errors and came up with some new figures.  They just issued their third revision.  This practice reminds me of one of my favorite t-shirts.   On the front it reads, “When all else fails, manipulate the data”
However, you’ve got to give “Bobby” credit for his perseverance, for basically he maintains the position of “don’t believe the evidence of the masses, I’m the only one with the correct information.”

The scariest part about all this is will our state legislative representatives break with tradition, suddenly growth a part of their anatomy that they have lacked in the past, namely, a spine, and, as in the famous fable, tell the Emperor he is without clothes?  Is the master puppeteer going to finally lose control of his puppets?  To be continued.

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