Sunday, August 18, 2013

LA Superintendent of Education

When John White, our present State Superintendant of Education, was initially hired by the Department of Education as Superintendant of the RSD, I couldn’t believe that somehow they had finally found an honest, innovative, hard working educator, unlike his predecessor, who was more concerned about furthering his own career than actually implementing sound educational reforms.
 Mr. White seemed to actually care about solving the Louisiana educational woes and appeared to possess the skills to do so.
However, now I am beginning to worry about him as he sinks further into the dismal abyss known as Jindal politics.
The Jindal School Voucher System could be his undoing.  He’s smart enough to know that the plan as implemented, without any accountability, is seriously flawed.  He is also aware of the fact that eventually it will lead to tremendous financial hardships for the public school system in Louisiana.  Furthermore, I’m sure he also questions the legality of the entire plan.
But he is also aware of the reality that exists within the governor’s mansion, ‘it’s Bobby’s way or the highway’.
However, I still have faith in Mr. White for I feel that he will come to the realization that if he continues down the Jindal path, he will end up selling his soul and joining the ranks of the educational do- nothings that are so abundant in our society.

Mr. White’s past accomplishments serve as evidence that he will not allow this to occur, consequently, I predict he will soon leave Louisiana and never look back.  It’s only a matter of time.

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